Thursday, 28 December 2006

German EU Presidency to Push for European Patent Litigation Agreement

The German government has announced that one of its priorities for the forthcoming EU presidency is to push for the European Patent Litigation Agreement - great. After the demise of the proposed EU patent, this will hopefully be succesful in getting a simple forum for litigating European Patents - instead of the current unwieldly need to go through multiple fora in different countries. Currently most patent holders just file litigation in one country and use it as an indicator for the results in other countries. Generally most infringers will accept the result in one country and not sell/produce infringing products in other EU countries. Occassionally, however, different courts in different countries issue different results - the EPILADY case being one such case.

Link to press release of German government:,da76fc706d635f6964092d0933383135093a0979656172092d0932303036093a096d6f6e7468092d093132093a095f7472636964092d0933383135/Pressemitteilungen_und_Reden/Pressemitteilungen_58.html

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